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3 Easy Steps to Designing Impressive Email Templates with Froala

Have you ever come across a stunning website, app or an impressive email design that made you stop right there to browse further? Pretty sure we all have—at least once, if not more. First impression matters and a well thought out interface goes a long way.

Froala’s simple, yet powerful capabilities can be used to design beautiful looking email templates.

Email templates are reusable objects and reduce the overall efforts to recreate inline CSS. They are easy to integrate and compatible across different browsers and platforms. The templates are standard, so you aren’t spending a ton of time testing for different email clients.

Sounds interesting? Follow these 3 easy steps to convert your email content to Inline CSS and publish it through the email client of choice.

Step 1:

Navigate to the Froala Editor

Load the Froala Editor on your browser by following the instructions in the “Getting Started Guide

Step 2:

Follow a few simple customizations. Enable ‘fullPage’ option and disable ‘useClasses’

Step 3:

Navigate to the ‘Code View’ option on the far right side. The Inline CSS code will be displayed. This code can be exported and used with email clients (app, web or mobile)

Voila! Designing email templates with Froala is that easy!

Give it a try

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