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In this article, we will go through six essential on-page SEO tips that can help your website rank higher on Google and other search engines. I'm sure you are asking yourself what I'm going to do after I learn this. How can I incorporate these tips into my page? If you are a developer, you will be able to manually implement the changes in your HTML code but wait there is a better way to do that which works as well for those who haven’t any coding knowledge.

With thousands of websites in your niche, how can you be the first result on Google for a certain keyword? If you don’t plan to spend a lot of money on paid ads, you have to optimize your web pages for search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) is very important as it has many benefits from increasing organic traffic to boosting your site’s credibility.

SEO rules are updated quickly and you should learn the latest techniques to stay ahead of your competitors. However, there are some rules that are mandatory to be applied on every page and post you publish.


All you need is Froala WYSIWYG editor which is an SEO-friendly editor that you can use to create SEO-friendly content. Froala is easy to integrate with any web application using a few lines of code. It supports React, Angular, and Vue frameworks. just to name a few. If you are using WordPress, download the WP plugin to get started. Alternatively, download the editor files to get started using it in any HTML/Javascript environment.

You can also use it online on this free online HTML editor tool, by copying your HTML into the editor, editing it, and copying it again into your application.

The advantage of using Froala to edit your content instead of editing the HTML content manually is the ability to see exactly how the content will look to the end users. Moreover, you can edit the HTML tags through Froala intuitive popups without the need to know these tags. This enables fast editing of the page content and accurately generated output without the need to learn HTML.

Now, let us start with the six powerful on-page SEO tips that will help you rank higher and boost your website’s organic traffic.

1. Optimize Your Meta-Tags

Meta-tags play a crucial role in influencing click-through rates and rankings.

  • Title Tags: Keep them under 60 characters, incorporate primary keywords, and reflect the content’s topic
  • Meta Descriptions: Limit to 155 characters, include relevant keywords and create a compelling description of the page’s content

Meta title and meta tags go under the <head> tag of your HTML. Most of the WYSIWYG editors strip out the <head> tag and its content, allowing you to only edit the page content. Froala also does this by default but you can change this behavior easily by setting the fullPage API option to true

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {

  fullPage: true


Then, you will be able to edit your whole HTML document, including the head section, where you can add and update your meta-tags effectively.

2. Optimize Headings

Ensure that your headings accurately reflect the content to provide a better user experience. Use header tags (H1, H2, and H3) for a well-organized and structured page that search engines can easily crawl.

  • Utilize H1 tags for the main heading of the page, typically the title. Ensure only one h1 on a page.
  • Use H2 and H3 tags for subheadings, ensuring good organization and logical flow
  • Include targeted keywords in your headings, but don’t overdo it

In Froala, you can quickly format headings using the toolbar options or keyboard shortcuts. By default, the paragraph format dropdown allows you to format the selected text in one of the below formats:

  • Heading 1: will wrap the selected text in <h1> tag.
  • Heading 2: will wrap the selected text in <h2> tag.
  • Heading 3: will wrap the selected text in <h3> tag.
  • Heading 4: will wrap the selected text in <h4> tag.
  • Code: will wrap the selected text in <pre> tag.
  • Normal: will warp text in <p> or <div> based on the value of the enter API option

The enter API option allows you to determine which tag <p>, <div>, or <br> to be inserted when ENTER key is hit. Making the “Normal” paragraph option depends on the “enter“ API option value is a great way to provide consistency in the produced HTML code which is also great for SEO.

If you want to add another paragraph format to the editor dropdown, you can easily edit the available options through the `paragraphFormat` API option. it is an object whose key is the HTML tag and its value is the text that will be displayed on the dropdown menu. For example, if you added into it the following code

paragraphFormat: {

SECTION: 'Block'


then in the dropdown menu, you will find the text “Block“, that when you select it, the paragraph code will turn into

<section>paragraph </section>

Use paragraph format options to ensure a clean and consistent HTML structure that is SEO-friendly.

new FroalaEditor('.selector', {
  paragraphFormat: {
    N: 'Normal',
    H1: 'Heading 1',
    H2: 'Heading 2'

3. Add Alt Text to Images

Optimize the images by adding descriptive image alternative text (ALT), and captions to make them crawlable and accessible to visually impaired users.

  • Alt text

Search engines cannot interpret images, so adding image alternative text (ALT) is essential for indexing and ranking.

  • Describe the image accurately while keeping the description concise
  • Include relevant keywords to improve the picture’s ranking

To add or update alt text in Froala Editor, simply click on an image, click on the “alternative text” button from the popup that appears, enter your alt text, and click “Update“.

  • Caption

Adding captions to your images can provide additional context and improve user engagement. Captions should be brief and informative.

  • Use concise and relevant descriptions for your captions
  • Include targeted keywords whenever appropriate, without overusing them

Similar to editing the image alt, you can easily add or update image captions by clicking on the image and clicking on “Image Caption” button from the popup menu. Type in your desired caption, and it will appear below the image.

The image editing popup is giving you the ability to optimize your visuals for SEO without any hassle. Moreover, You can change the displayed image size, insert a link, and many more. you can control which options are displayed on this popup by editing the imageEditButtons API option. Furthermore, if you need to add custom functionality, you can create a Froala custom button and add it to the image editing popup through that option.

4. Utilize Internal and External Links

Linking to other relevant pages within your website (internal links) and to authoritative sources (external links) can improve SEO and user experience. This practice creates a better user experience, defines your website’s structure, and provides reference sources for your content. To optimize your links

  • Use descriptive anchor text for internal and external links that accurately describe the linked content.
  • Link to reputable and authoritative external sources to provide additional value and credibility to your content.
  • Regularly check and update the links to ensure they are not broken or outdated.

In the Froala Editor, adding internal and external links is very intuitive. Simply highlight the desired text, click on the “Insert Link” option in the toolbar, enter the URL, and set the target attributes (e.g., open in a new tab).

Editing links is very easy too, just click on the link and select the edit button from the popup, then update the URL and target attributes as needed.

However Froala doesn’t provide editing links attributes by default, but you can customize this using the linkAttributes Froala API option.

Link ‘title’

One of the most important link attributes in SEO is link titles as they provide additional context for search engines to understand the linked content. Adding relevant and descriptive titles can improve your search engine ranking. Keep your title links short and concise but also keep them descriptive and keyword-rich.

By adding thetitle: 'Enter Title'to the linkAttributes object, a field for entering the link title will appear when adding or editing a link, allowing you to seamlessly incorporate optimized link titles into your content.

You can add more attributes to this object. The object key is the attribute name and its value is the placeholder for the created field.

Link ‘rel’

Another important attribute is the ‘rel’ attribute as it enables you to define the relationship between the linked page and your current page. For example, using rel="nofollow" can advise search engines not to follow certain links for ranking purposes. Froala linkAlwaysNoFollow option Specifies if the rel="nofollow" attribute should be added to all links.

Adding, editing, and optimizing links in Froala Editor is simple and efficient. With the right techniques, you can improve your website’s SEO, user experience, and overall performance.

5. Optimize Your Videos

for SEO, Videos are engaging and can keep users on your site for a longer duration, but they also need to be optimized for SEO. Make sure your embedded videos have an SEO-friendly format, accurate title, and descriptive text.

  • Choose a suitable video hostings platform like YouTube or Vimeo for better load times and easier embedding.
  • Create accurate and engaging titles and descriptions for your videos, incorporating relevant keywords.
  • Add transcripts or captions to make the videos accessible to a wider audience and search engines.
  • Use a video schema markup to provide additional information about the video and improve search visibility.

The Froala rich text editor automatically parses Youtube, Vimeo, Yahoo, and Daily Motion video links. For videos from other sources, you can insert them by pasting the embedded code. Froala allows you to customize the video size and alignment.

6. Quality Content is King

Creating informative, engaging, and original content is key to ranking high in search engines. The readability of your content plays a significant role in user engagement and search engine rankings. Properly formatting your text ensures it is easy to read and understand, ultimately improving the user experience and SEO performance. Ensure your content is:

  • Well-structured and skimmable with headings, lists, and short paragraphs
  • Tailored to your target audience’s preferences and pain points
  • Updated regularly to maintain relevancy and add fresh insights – Free of spelling and grammatical errors for an improved user experience and better SEO results
  • Enhanced with relevant images, videos, and multimedia to engage users and support your content

The Froala Editor offers all the essential tools and formatting options for creating high-quality content, including various header styles, list types, text alignments, and media options. Remember to always proofread and revise your work to optimize your content for both users and search engines. You can integrate Froala with WProofreader spelling and grammar checker to automatically proofread the content for you.


In conclusion, on-page SEO plays a significant role in helping your website rank higher on search engines like Google. By implementing these six powerful SEO tips – optimizing meta-tags, headings, images, links, videos, and creating quality content – you can greatly improve your site’s visibility and organic traffic. To make this process even easier, use Froala WYSIWYG editor for an SEO-friendly editing experience with seamless integration, powerful formatting options, and user-friendly customization. With increasingly competitive online markets, staying ahead of your competition through effective SEO strategies is more important than ever. Incorporate these tips into your content creation and editing process to boost your website’s search engine performance and attract more visitors to your site.


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