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Free Online HTML Editor Powered by Froala

A Real-time Editor to Quickly Create Clean and Valid HTML Code.

Looking for an HTML Editor for your personal or enterprise application?

Froala WYSIWYG Editor is the perfect choice.

How do I use this online HTML Editor?

Convert text to HTML, sanity check your HTML code, or use it like an online notepad to save text in a PDF or word file.

Compose or copy text in the left editor and see clean and directly usable HTML code in the right window.

Love to write code? Simply paste your HTML on the right and see the text output in the left editor.

Simply Beyond Words and Letters

Froala Editor enables rich editing and formatting capabilities for your web and mobile applications.


Enhance text with basic to advanced editing—bold, italic, underline, subscript, superscript, strikethrough, and more.

Styling and Formatting

Change fonts, align text, create ordered list, bullets, quotes, indentation, apply color themes, inline classes, line heights, paragraph styles, drag-drop, add shortcuts, and so much more.

Images and Media

Insert images, audio, and video to the editor. Add urls, apply styles to images, or customize image editing, add custom color pickers, or express yourself with emoticons.

30+ Plugins and Easy 3rd party Integration

Font awesome? Spell and grammar checker? Froala has easy 3rd party integration. Plus over 30 out-of-the-box plugins and customization options.

Froala is the perfect editor for your website builder, blogging platform, web development, notepad apps, email, chat apps, and many diverse applications that utilize editing.

Frequently Asked Questions

An HTML editor is a program for editing the markup of a web page. WYSIWYG HTML editors provide an interface to display text as it appears in the web browser without the need for any HTML knowledge.

The Next Generation WYSIWYG HTML Editor

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