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PHP SDK File Reference

upload ($fileRoute, $options)

Returns: Object

Method used to upload file to the specified location on disk.


  • $fileRoute

    The path relative to the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] global variable were the file should be uploaded.

    Type: String

  • $options

    This parameter is optional. It can be used to pass custom options for the file upload.

    Type: Array

$options parameter:

  • fieldname

    The field name from the $_FILES global variable.

    Type: String
  • validation

    An array or a function used to validate the uploaded file.

    Type: Array or Function
      'allowedExts' => array('txt', 'pdf', 'doc'),
      'allowedMimeTypes' => array('text/plain', 'application/msword', 'application/x-pdf', 'application/pdf')


If the upload is completed successfully, the method returns an object with the absolute path to the uploaded file. If an error occurs, the method returns an error.

try {
  $response = FroalaEditor_File::upload('/uploads/');
  echo stripslashes(json_encode($response));
catch (Exception $e) {

delete ($src)

Returns: Boolean

Method used to delete a file from disk.


  • $src

    The path relative to the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] global variable to the file that should be deleted.

    Type: String

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