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Using the fontFamilySelection, fontSizeSelection and paragraphFormatSelection options you can immediately view the selected font family, font size and paragraph format in the WYSIWYG HTML editor's toolbar.

Edit in JSFiddle


<div id="froala-editor">
  <p>Using the <a href="../docs/options#fontFamilySelection" title="fontFamilySelection option" target="_blank">fontFamilySelection</a>, <a href="../docs/options#fontSizeSelection" title="fontSizeSelection option" target="_blank">fontSizeSelection</a> and <a href="../docs/options#paragraphFormatSelection" title="paragraphFormatSelection option" target="_blank">paragraphFormatSelection</a> options you can immediately view the selected font family, font size and paragraph format in the WYSIWYG HTML editor's toolbar.</p>


  new FroalaEditor('div#froala-editor', {
    toolbarButtons: ['fontFamily', '|', 'fontSize', '|', 'paragraphFormat', '|', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'undo', 'redo', 'codeView'],
    fontFamilySelection: true,
    fontSizeSelection: true,
    paragraphFormatSelection: true
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